Commodore 64 Daze. Truly the best computer fun to be had! [IMG] [SPOILER]
Many lines of white powder - some grass - and LSD ! That's How. :rofl: But seriously, I;d like to know as well.
This from a guy who is using samples to "compose":rofl:
Apparently that's what Tidal was supposed to be - but unfortunatly that just turned into another Jay-Z scam.
As this wanker Ek states - today its just "content" not art or music or reflective of the times - just content. Unfortunately most people under 30...
This guy should have nothing to do with the music biz Music is just disposable "content" that makes him money. He has no clue of the reality of...
Apparently that's not her singing Glad:rofl: See above - people get upset when below mediocrity becomes inflated ego millionaire actually...
LOL The first person...
I'm just gutted by this shock. Oly was always a gentleman with a sly wit. I All the best to his family.
True for the sales.......butt...... Stunning? [IMG] Something about that time period that marketed us unattractive people with big asses and...
Agreed - She was a standard person out for fame and money - not art. That's why she is a entry level - actress. That's why she is a entry level -...
You better close your sweater. Aphex Twin has got a thing for BIllie Eilish and her twins.:rofl::winker:
That's fucking badass On the real vro........ You happen to know Slug Go?
Well obviously !!!:rofl:
keeping it real Vro!!! :wink:
Also see this cool ass mofo Rustee Allen [IMG]
Hahaha could be worse [IMG]
You just can't beat Oscar and Ray! Steve Wallace [IMG] @phloopy This cat is rare but he cooks. Couldn't find many vids but I've seen him live...
I use it the same way but have not had this issue in Logic. Logic / Local Server on Mac / Plug in on Mac / Server on Wondows Set both servers to...
Separate names with a comma.