But please also remember that people speak from their own insights, experiences and thoughts in their own books and tutorials, but it doesn't mean...
From best to less best in my view. 1: Cubase (best daw, but hardest to learn) 2: FL Studio (my current daw, but close to Cubase and the most...
Well, I do. I will notice that for sure :rofl:
This did indeed the trick. Although, a mp3 file was sounding worser, but didn't hear any differences in quality when converted to flac. Still a...
My latest version of FL Studio is crashing and giving errors every single time when I load a wav file of a finished track from myself. At the...
Yeah, I like A more aswell. For me this version feels a bit more crispier, warmer, sharper and powerful. I can hear it very well on the drums....
I can fart in a great way for temptation for womans :rofl:
That's not really true at all. Some daws have absolutely tools that are correcting your mistakes or helping you during the composition process. I...
Yeah, I can concur with that and I know it, because I will play in it. I am from the upside down. And this music makes me hungry for food. So...
This could work in a scene in Stranger Things or something. Nice one! :) Sounds very mysterious and a bit scary aswell.
Yeah, I agree. Settings things up in FL Studio can cost you so much time. I am currently experimenting in Studio One aswell.
Well, it's currently a fact that FL Studio is not made for orchestral production in my opinion. It can definitely work, but it's absolutely not...
I see. Yeah, I believe it's being done aswell, but I quess the most important thing is how we as people perceive it. I think in that case it's not...
Oh, I thought at first you mean Frenkie, hahaha. I agree this was a horror attack. He should have got a red card, but I quess the referee didn't...
Well, in short that's because the loudness normalisations are just not working. They say every track will play on the same loudness, but that's...
And then we will finally win our first world cup by taking revenge on Germany, Argentina and Spain :) @Xupito Haha, also at diving on the ground...
Hahaha, well, I don't think there is anything wrong with an average dutch accent to be honest, except that it can sound really funny sometimes,...
Well, I am still wondering when they are finally going to implement unlimited mixer channels. I just don't get it why it's still not there and why...
No worries. I will make it even better. I will mix it with some of my own fart sounds. I know you're already excited :rofl:
Oh, damn. Can I remix it?
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