So, I Have with Fan at speed Max CPU A at 52 °C and CPU B at 48 °C with heavy use when I had before CPU A at 87°C and CPU B at 65 °C ., it's much...
Yes of course but we can not hear each other in the room with the noise :suicide: Thanks again G String and all other menber for the time you...
With fan at the Max I have CPU A at 30°C and CPU B at 29°C in normal use .
I have increased the speed of fan by 2 and the temperature decreased by 50% but what a noise !
With iStat I can increase cpu fan , would someone have an idea ? Thanks everybody for your help :like:
Yes you're right it's a 5520 4 cores @2,26 :wink:
On MacPro it's not possible to change for a new cooling . The only thing possible it's to increase fan speed but of how much ?
TDP of my old was 80 W :
Old processor was : Two Intel Xeon Quad-Core série 5500 at 2,26 GHz. Yes the fan are very clean on the cooler. You're probably right about this...
Yes you're right ,a straight line 1 millimetre wide from edge to edge as the picture here QP3: [IMG] Right the same :wink:
This is what I used : 1°) Thermal Material remover. 2°) Thermal Surface Purifier. 3°) Artcic Silver 5. [IMG]
This are my fan processor : [IMG]
[IMG] So this is what I did (QP3)= [IMG]
Ils ne préconisent aucune températures optimales mais indiquent clairement la limite à ne pas dépasser c'est à dire: Max 75 °C .
Thanks Andrew ! No, they don't have metal heat spreader . [IMG] I have the same MacPro and did the same upgrade as this guy on the video : "2009...
Thanks Andrew for your help :wink: I have used this product: " Arctic Silver 5 Thermal Compound 3.5 Grams with ArctiClean 60 ML Kit" What is...
Thanks for you help ! Its the same CPU (IHS removed) like this guy on the following video : [MEDIA]
Thanks for your help :wink: However it's not a macbook but a MacPro (desktop):yes:
Bonjour et Bonne année à tous ! Je viens d'upgrader mon MacPro 2009 4.1- 2x 2,26 GHz en 5.1 @ 2x 3,33 Ghz . [IMG] Avant l'upgrade j'avais les...
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