You mean sample packs or libraries? As for sample packs (as in, cymatics, vengeance, etc) I would say the most popular is Vengeance and with...
You can use RackAFX too. That with Will Pirkle's books in hand would be a good start (altho this is the kind of book that I say they take your...
I agree, I always find it closer to 10, but I added 5-10 to be generous. Most likely in background vocals or choirs I find in 8 to 10 the "hhhh"...
What you hear is not a "clean" vocal, there's a lot of reverb... But that's a common question I get asked ("how to get a vocal as clean as this"...
So you are looking people to exchange knowledge, am I right?. KVR has a lot of those, but it is like a swamp in where you are trying to find...
Pfff, this is really a big topic if it is not fully directed... You can use it to add something simil to reverberation or room ambience; you can...
Mine is disconnected since a repair a few years ago... I forgot to reconnect it on the reassembly
Useless comment here: I have no idea. I see well in regular sun casted light, and in night... I don't have an optimal, only a few pessimal. When...
I agree, I believe it is most likely because of how fast they have grown right to "the top"... We could say also "the price they sell their things...
Also, if you deem this as innecesarily inflamatory, or just outright conspiranoic, let me know and I will be more than happy to take it down
So, I'm aware of the controversies that sorround cymatics upon "stealing content" and all that... which it was never a clear thing to me as to it...
KVR forums have developer's specific forums (A-list developers hang around there) with even "for hire" sections in it. That seems like a good...
I usually make mines with either Serum or Operator for the bottom and body (sinewave sweep... Serum mostly for wavetable mod by the envelope and...
I have an interesting anecdote about that but in the world of CGi, a guy who's been hired to do video compositing in a relatively small-medium...
right... so... the bulletproof test would be a phase cancelation test for those who want to try it... import a loop to S1, bounce it at the same...
I play with myself :D ... and guitar
If the weird chords with b9#5 or whatever are getting you in the "what the hell" zone, I can recommend you a youtuber that goes a good route to...
Something beautiful I found in a lot of songs and friends asking me about how to make a vocal as clean as "some song"... is that appart from the...
really sorry to hear that mate... wishing you the best to overcome the situation
you don't want loud first, you want balanced first, then maybe loud
Separate names with a comma.