Immana go with: Too broad of a topic to not go sideways in the form of a thread (as already seen, I think) Maybe pinpointing specific cases to aim...
I would say, start first with rythm so that you have the extent of measurements without the complication of telling note height and key...
Do you mind if I make a couple of questions about you and point out a couple of (what I consider) conceptual errors in your writting, almost...
I did a distortion unit plugin that compensates the output to the amount of distortion applied (moveable threshold), the result was stupid because...
AAAANDDD with all this, I grant you the Troll Title of AudioSex. Have a good day
What kind of sample editing? At the moment I don't think there is much you couldn't do directly on ableton when it comes to sample manipulation,...
Foster, I really don't understand your process... and I'm not talking about composing, everyone has it's own way so that process is negligible as...
[MEDIA] I uploaded this track for the remix competition in MetaPop this one ---> Any kind of...
Are you looking something like Glitch?
Same here, only i7 on laptop... it munches 60% idle on Ableton 9 Yeahp, pretty much the same. Also, a little bit (I'm being generous) buggy...
OHH, sorry, I haven't read this before when I answered. I think I get your point now... Sure, when I'm playing guitar (given that is arguably the...
Is there a particular reason you want more than 44khz?
To extend, I guess it lays down to "ego"... as long as it is low, everything's okay (no-one wanna try to shit higher than the ass can)... and the...
Unless you were formally trained in music, at some point you also were a normie who had to dig that information somewhere... same as I, same as a...
have you had your ears checked?
sir... you've just made my life a little easier... thank you for that
EZDrummer 2 has some amazing beats in it, and you can export it as midi and use it with whatever drums you want. That as for the midis; the...
I like reading stuff here; regardless of music related or not, the people here is cool. Other than that, I don't finish much because I'm a lazy...
Well, couldn't you just ignore them?... I don't know how AZ or AS are coded... in theory it wouldn't be that hard to implement, nor it would be...
Tip n° 10: Always have a Duda at hand, you never know when you will need one. Also, Steve seems like good company.
Separate names with a comma.