sE Voodoo1
go for an Aston mic (new but old brand, they are people ex-sE Electronics behind sE 2200II and X1), far better. but I suggest to always try before...
why not to explore Acustica Audio Nebula? usually as buss comp we tend to keep the same preferred ratio/attack/release settings and just tweak the... this documentary explains why it's not possible, still today, do properly a certain sound without real analog. period.
I don't think so, and this has not sense... just use the Melodyne Editor standalone instead.
which brand? which model? some contemporary ribbons are active and require phantom. some contemporary ribbons are passive and don't reuire phantom...
Audio Damage Dub Station <3
Roland "plugout" plugins, expecially the System-100 +1 for Creamware/SonicCore systems
Exidus, I'm in this forum longer than you... I was simply curious about this story. Anyway thanks for the reply.
so is AUDIOutopia a fake group that stoled from R2R? :woot:
by about a week Zevera doesn't work anymore with This because Uploaded it has changed policy about free (and with zevera)...
thanks for this ueber-cool link! yes I know, newsgroups... but I never knew where to find them (audio appz related) and how to connect :dunno:...
Enjoy the new Dropout's album "How to measure the sky" [img] Listen: Soundcloud player More info, download or/and buy: I...
Thanks, it seems interesting, it really works? And works with download manager like i.e. JDownloader?
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