i know the sister site since around 2010-2012 or even longer. never used it back then as i got my stuff on different ways. sites which were using...
I'd be also interested. I guess i know it already. just curious. Maybe i'm completlely wrong!? isn't it the AZ site ?
sex + amphetamine is the best, IMO all other drugs dont work well, at least for me cocaine = only had good quality once. effect is way to short...
example folder overview (after executing this script) 2C.Aether.v1.6.1.Win-A****Z.rar 2C.B2.v1.2.1.Win-A****Z.rar 2C.Breeze.v2.5.0.WIN-A****Z.rar...
released a working version
testing! ... results overview pass: 79 failed: 7 detailed test results
happyleech - a must have for your audioz leechs description proper rename/repack your downloaded files. status: working nV,...
oioi, ic some old farts here... :) me included In 1999 i discovered audiowarez and i was instantly addicted. I'm was a member of AudioParadize...
Now, I read 40 pages ... Done! :guru: So, as a Audiowarez addict I also want to add SOMETHING to this topic ... :excl: :excl: :excl:...
Nice work. Amazing Sound. And .. real proper Techno. :woot: Luv it! :like:
i use real-debrid.com and linkifier.com at the same time. they add up well.
äh, doch. wir taten das. nett wie wir waren und kostenlos so wies gedacht war. :P ja aber es gab immer welche die meinten damit auch noch geld...
irgendwie ist Audiowarez aber dem Motto von Radium gefolgt. Jeder Musiker sollte die Möglichkeit haben kostenlos musik machen zu dürfen. Solange...
aso ja :)
Radium did not take care if someone trys and then buys. They just wanted to give any musican the possibility to do music. For example they...
Das stimmt nicht ganz. Das trifft zwar für den restlichen Teil der Scene zu. Audiowarez ist da speziell. Radium hat die Software gecrackt um diese...
Radium wollte es Musikern ermöglichen Software zu testen die sie sich sonst nicht leisten können bzw. vor kauf sich diese genauer anzuschauen....
cracken tut man um sich selbst und anderen etwas zu beweisen und um sich mit anderen zu messen (groups again groups - wer schafft es und wer ist...
PortableApps.com ReNamer Portable (http://www.den4b.com/) - rules - find, search and replace (regex-replace) and other actions available - bulk...
Separate names with a comma.