First thought - too many hihats. Mixing - too wide, sounds a little phasey - did you overuse that stereo widener? Everything moves around,...
YES, turning everything off in the nVidia 3D settings solves the issue of Korg Plugins Crashing Studio One and Cubase.:goodpost: Thank you for...
Loaded some Slate plugins (there's another topic about those not showing up) into S1 and the "GForce Experience" popped up, like it does in...
Studio One works with pretty much everything else. Googled a lot and it looks like nobody has the same problem as I do. It's weird> Tried cubase...
Edited the settings.ini file - PluginId=Ni07 if you reinstall kontakt, you need to use this id from now on, to load old projects
Yes, those are the plugins. Running windows 10 on a fast machine. I deleted anything I could find (Registry, Korg folders in Program Data, Common...
I've been having issues with the latest 2.0 KORG VSTs and Studio One 5, on windows 10 Since R2R's Software Pass Emulator, the plugins don't work...
~~ 100 years later ~~ Go to studio one - help - open settings folder go to x64 folder backup Plugins-en.settings ---> rename to...
After endless beta-testing and failing for months in running k6 and k5 in S1, I finally I installed a modded portable version that worked and...
Went into the nice 8dio folder after 3-4 years and realised most of the patches don't work. They load ok, they play ok - but after recording the...
Or you could just go to Browser - home tab - plugin manager - remove plugin settings, restart and auto rescan.
I did, but some moderate lag came back. It still takes a while changing from parts 1 to 8, when empty. So here are some things that helped: 0....
Figured it out: [IMG] Just go to where kontakt portable dll is installed and modify the plugin id settings.ini and voila, you can run the same...
Kontakt 6.21 Portable Readme: "If your DAW can't see portable VST plugin at the same time as the installed one, modify PluginID in the...
So I had two separate Kontakt installs, the "portable" and the regular version. One had all the 200+ libraries, one just the ones I use often....
Figure out how it works so well considering "wink wink" the word context, and you will turn out a fabulous mixer.
I totally agree. That's actually my point. I would never respond to someone asking for help in the lines of "read the ******* manual", "your...
I'd just rather learn than show how brilliant I am. ;)
We live and learn, @Fudsey Plange . No need to be toxic about it. Just like you are about to learn you cannot change the topic title here. But if...
Yeap. Disabling "Audio Imput follows selection" fixes the issue. Thank you, guys! :shalom: @Mud Jones how dare you, sir? :no:
Separate names with a comma.