I totally agree ! (except i'm not indifferent to monosynths, they permit very different things compared to polysynths)
U-he RePro-1 public beta available now https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=472608 And : "If you can't wait and/or if you wish...
My favourite plugins : - Xfer Serum - Uhe Diva - XILS PolyKB II - Tone2 Icarus - Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2 - Uhe Hive - Softube Modular - UVI Falcon
AKG K271 mkII + ZOOM H6 here. I use it all the time to record many percussive sounds, ambiences, children at school (i'm a school assistant as a...
I like it very much.
Cthulhu here, and it's very good. https://www.xferrecords.com/products/cthulhu [IMG]
YES !! Thank you for this presets for Factory !!
S U R V I V E – RR7349 (those who have made the STRANGER THINGS soundtrack) [IMG]
I use this since many years https://itunes.apple.com/fr/app/soundconverter/id413890028?mt=12
http://www.mediafire.com/download/m2p1vhx0wphdk1f/MONARKMCS.mp3 [IMG]
For a more close Motion City Soundtrack sound (let's say that my previous setting is more for the "Rentals" sound) : Open Monark, go to the...
Open Monark, go to the presets folder >>>>>> Lead >>>>>> Formica preset (the 5th preset). Put oscillator 2 and oscillator 3 at 0 (=noon, for that...
That's definitely the Moog sound. That's the first direction to look for. After a little google search, that band seems to use this :...
I really LOVE Space Master in Reaktor too !
I asked Richard Devine what he honestly thinks about this synth. Answer awaited.
Do you know where to find a thread explaining that exact difference and installation ? And the Soundtoys thread ? I've already read every thread...
Can you explain it a little more please ? 1K likes WHERE ? Thank you :wink:
"Just" a 33 minutes EP, with a communication plan imitating old synths manuals and advertising....
Separate names with a comma.