i forgot it links but if you search around the net, you should find site that share hi-res audio from its original hi-res audio vendor :shalom:
would love to see how's music production looks like on high-end cpu.. if anyone can share some peeks behind the scene, would be appreciated.....
say if yall need some boost to bounce back into the hits making.. this might lit some sparks into your neural brain.. :shalom:#inspirational #song...
seems to me like the size is smaller before unpack.. something like that.. i maybe wrong.. i think i did saw the difference in size pack vs...
daym @SEnki 3080 ser hawt :like: hey guys i finally settled for 3600x only miahaha (with 1660 ti card).. spent the rest for a 21" dell touch...
@Allin I love those tools, including Band In A Box. I learn much from using them before I can make one. I hope it's not too brag (hehe) to tell...
hehe.. @Allin Am not proud just exciting. Been needing custom chord helper tool and tadaa.. haha. It is done in Visual C# by the way, yups. I'll...
tinkering reascript.. :rofl:#helladude #reaper :like: [IMG] >>> https://www.reaper.fm/sdk/reascript/reascripthelp.html#StuffMIDIMessage...
there's m.2 duplicator..
@Illadelph @Xupito @Mynock stop pretending noob or I call achmed the moderator [IMG] achmed the moderator @phumb-reh how to please.. i'm noob.....
How many TB there is.. just wondering, any ideas?:shalom:
faroverr.. [MEDIA]
Wappidgator down? [IMG]
mine is 3600x guys, joining the fun soon now still at logistic hub awaiting delivery.. just chime in taking some note here because its my very...
Interesting and informative in thread here thanks to y'all pointing things out :wink: I was on random on YT and saw about crypto mining farm which...
@twoheart thanks for the share. looking forward into it. it's gonna be my very first experience with touchscreen monitor and DAW. GUI-wise i'm...
Sorry I'm yet to receive my very first 1660 ti graphic card parcel to experiment this out.. at the moment I'm on 3200g built-in graphic card which...
yeee-haww~! :rofl: [IMG]
let's party onn celebrate tonitee :shalom::mates::cheers: over to you bro @No Avenger .. [IMG] [MEDIA] :metal::metal::phunk::speaker:
@twoheart thank you, will check it out once done installing monitor, hopefully.. :wink: i finally sorted for dell (after going through many many...
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