Don't hold down your mouse button for too long while pressing a VST.
I use REAPER , you can LFO any FX, so I use the builtin volume_pan + parameter modulation for that. If you don't,...
Maybe it's your imaging. There are exceptions, but Leads & percussive instruments: narrow Sustains: wide
DIY acapellas can be better because spleeter has 11k bandwidth on its default models.
Some DAWs have a wet knob for all FX. Depends on which DAW you use.
instead of soothe, try Acon Defilter Sonible SmartEQ2 ?
Some EQs offer multiple modes to cover many bases. E.G, ozone & toneboosters.
To make sure, here's my Mashups/edits: Which one(s)?...
Maybe you're looking for the p-word. There's products being released constantly which make it easier to combine old songs in new ways. Is it...
Correct. But, it's licenced from a 3rd pty, and Izotope RX7 is NOT a DAW, and it does separation with MUCH BETTER RESULTS than ACID, in 2018.
May DAWs now have VCA. In addition, REAPER has parameter modulation & fader groups so you can link to your heart's content.
Toneboosters use same/less CPU & cost 80% less...
This is why you buy a internal HD then use a generic case.
It's clear your Altiverb won't work in surround. If you MUST use convolution, use IRs + mcfx_convolver...
No it does not. BUT the OP is trying to use a surround reverb, which is not working, so I am suggesting a different & free surround reverb....
Just use FDNreverb FREE Reverb up to 64ch.
For Audio Editing & mastering, try Adobe Audition
Just use stock/low-CPU plugs when mixing?
Yes, you can buy a mac, but eventually, with ANY mac, you will get a problem that can't be fixed cheaply. Just get a PC, or hakintosh.
Separate names with a comma.