They've got a great reputation on line, haven't played one myself but for that price, if you've played it or know it's ok / trust the seller then...
All great suggestions and -- Squier Bullet, Squier Affinity, Yamaha Pacifica, (mentioned already I think) Squier Classic Vibe, Fender MIM (used)...
for more general info on side-chaining in reaper a pretty great video Compression and Gating 3 ways : [MEDIA]
Merry Christmas everyone, and thanks: it's great that such a great, supportive, friendly and knowledgeable forum exists.
Maybe this is what you're looking for: <audio id="myaudio" controls controlsList="nodownload noplaybackrate"> <source src="horse.mp3"...
thought this may help people: @Buhdurkachomp posted on the sister site and it worked for me (win10 + Reaper) - thanks buddy, :mates: take a look...
Win 10 and Reaper here. I think I must have left some old plugins not properly uninstalled. Only the plugins that don't need the wrapper are...
I was just reading through the comments and in the comments from zellers: Just a tip for those who find plugins not loading: You need to...
Merry Christmas to you and to everyone here - and thank you all for making this such a friendly and supportive place - best wishes to you all...
ah ha, I was wrong, no bar code stuff I thought it was the joining two cells together instruction - left and right join, wow I'm rusty. I'm not...
wow thanks for the tips I'll go through them all after some sleep. I've been programming all day, it used to be my income but since Covid I cant...
@Demon and @clone thanks a lot and I'll be taking a look now, finger crossed it'll all come back to me, its been a while....
Hi, I need to get back to work and I've got myself an interview for next week but I need to quickly brush up on my advanced Excel knowledge (its...
@Lois Lane oh man - thank you - that list is f***ing brilliant hours later I'm still laughing remembering different ones :rofl:
A while ago I came across this Dan Worrall video "the quiet mixing strategy" it may help. I'd be interested to hear what the members here think...
without advertising and with 0 followers, @mr.personality said it well, so you might get at most hand full of people listening every now and then,...
Separate names with a comma.