"disable updates" as well as the little host editor with its list view is more or less what i was looking for, too (part time windows user with...
not sure if i get your situation right, but often problems like this come from a loop - such as USB connections to an music instrument can create....
on this website the file downloads without you asking for it. 8$ not sure if i want to give such an app admin rights...
fortunately i am too stupid to crack. for me it is faster to make my own compressors and reverbs.^^
buy the software but install the crack. dont mix (in the case of PT)
just change F0 08 in line 55 to FF 07. works with almost any mac software! alternatively you can make your own dongle from an old lighter.
unless for sum (mastering) or sounddesign (very clearly effects) using EQs on tracks during mixing is the brother of the gain staging process....
sorry, auch delete^^
hallo, herr der fragen, ein guter windschutz hilft schon mal viel. das andere teil hat einen ganz anderen zweck, den man für eine gesangsniere...
i expect you to come back as max4live professional with 50+ new effects.
you can extend that strategy even more: start every (read: for the same album) song with the same project file, where all the plug-ins which may...
there is a lot of stuff still missing, you should rather expand the collection/install asap. if you still have time to make music, you simply do...
can´t really follow the discussion. to make "stereo" out of mono, you just change anything you want on either channel. the most common oldschool...
50% of the people: oh, there is a new technology, this will be the end of the world! 49% of the people: oh, there is a new technology, how can i...
that´s why you should always keep the original compressed files around. the same rule also applies to software you bought.
there is no such thing as a "correct" mix. a good mix is when it sounds good. or when it sounds like you want it to sound.
no, they´re real witches, i´ve seen them riding on broomsticks in the night sky.
hard to tell what is worse: putting silly flags on music software or trying to convince people not to do so.
i am not sure if i agree. most composers did not have an orchestra at their hand when they were writing a score. and i actually couldnt care...
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