i think i mean something different. skill is not the same as ability. you will be able to produce in atmos when a program has that feature where...
plug-ins do not clip signals, master fader also do not clip audio. what is important is to at least understand the difference between these...
i´ve always wondered why some people do this. it is probably one the most stupid things you can do. no offense. :) even if you do acoustic...
that is what he said. but you can do the math yourself: 440 * 50 == 22,000 40Hz * 500 == 20,000Hz. you can do both, but transforming the...
didn´t you just answer the question yourself? the really inoovative things are not even known to the general public. ;)
indeed, yet there is no rule that additive synthesis must use only overtones. if you have more available you can shift the assumed base frequency...
using a better tool will never give you new skills.
i believe hemp is not better than wool in terms of humidity resistance. it just smells better when it decomposes. sure, those who can, go for...
this is also very good stuff - but realy only works in very dry rooms, otherwise it starts to fall apart after 10 years. and i´d like to add that...
this does not answer his question why you need to do that. what in your workflow is so special that you need to have something nobody else had in...
there is no perfect material. what you usually want is 1. non-inflammable 2. affordable (not the same number for everyone) non-inflammable means...
it is even worse. such a company could just buy all titles from flea markets or itunes and then they use a legit copy - to do something with it...
they will sue themselves and the general public gets the bill. that´s what they do in many other fields with success already, at least in...
i might totally miss your point but i dont think that it is the "usual" way to have a wooden frame around acoustic panels. the normal case is...
if your app does not allow to record it independently from thej notes, make a copy of the track i.e. split notes and controllers onto two tracks....
there is nothing wrong with beeing an elitist. his position is a different one. he is the ONLY person who does it right and ALL others have the...
jeder zehnte keygen macht das. (und jede fünfzigte gekaufte software) besonders nervig ist, dass es bei manchen antivirus programmen eine...
the problem is under arrest now, that´s why it is hard to see him.
how many people might have known bach and then asked him "can you teach me how to compose like bach?" that might be how the average idiot on the...
there lies some truth in your joke... that is the next thing that happens when you show a "how to compose a symphony" video to someone who asked...
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