I don't understand why people worry about malicious code especially if doing legal stuff with your audio PC? I mean just by looking at Anonymous...
that's the point @The King ... and just when you thionk in the drug economy nobody works for free for years even for just a single day! The steal...
I think investing money in another "classification thing" is stupid for the company. Collection is limited to 7 and the VST plugin folder even...
Don't worry bro I knew this piews and don't want to ask more for nothing, better make a carrier in drug trafiking (edit: Music represent 100x less...
I have used a Moog analog CV pedal for control expression but for a MIDI keyboard I'll takes a On/Off (big one:-)
Ah okay I've see thanks!
I even don't know what is DR? I use Insight for this
I like to say you need to DL the Charli Puth Monthly tutorial we have on stock avaible and in YT look at all streams from Ian Kirkpatrik You will...
Hey beez! I've done a render in After Effects but I have a video in avi and for 64 GB size. When I watch it with my player the video don't fit my...
Hey! Is it interesting for playing piano and programing to master the sustain pedal well? Excuse me I try to delete this post cause this question...
I don't know if it's the KRK 8" from China or the 2_CB pills they're sending from Netherland, but in any case, this boiler room has a low end. If...
Hey! Did someone know the name of this controler? Also is this video real live? I mean the clear vocal through a mask is strange and also why did...
Can we upload live to his new version from a legit installer and patch it with the R2R patch from 12.0 now? Without waiting someone upload a...
I thought I was investing in knowledge and just wasted my time. If only I could finally get away from YT and these Youtubers who are mere...
Look at thi site: https://www.dharmaworldwide.com/ I try everything i can during hours without any result I think you talk about easy protection.
I mean, after looking carefully at the vocal chain of the pros in EDM/pop genre today, I'm really asking myself if with all this processing we are...
I also try to download from a server but nothing works so I reccord my screen during watching the videos in realtime,
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