Remember avicci show that he using cracked stylenth? so where he now ? keep in mind, cracked software is not “free”….
Another hardware emulation…. Gosh, I guess this money machine stops with ai plugins, and people stop fapping on vintage hardware skins
MC should stop making Windows. and start with something new. As example: Microsoft Doors
Can someone make chart of cpu usage, compare to other popular products, like waves of FF. if it's worth the gamble. and understanding whether it...
Can someone compare cup load of AA plugins with their alternatives. For example: waves vs AA, or Slate… something like that. Interesting to...
I strongly recommend use this to compare any plugins
Cubase important settings and logics: you need always static frequency of your CPU and Power. - Power scheme - max performance - turn off all...
I look at Cubase as a money machine and it energizes me every time. I prefer money more then inspiration. I'm very addicted to money. I guess you...
so they release Cubase 13 with new interface, and i'm curious, what do you guys think about it? I have mixed feelings [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
in Cubase you can set grid color same as Project Area Background and get rid of grid
you should check Cubase. its main feature for me
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