If you change motherboard it will not activate on your new build... it is tied in bios to your old motherboard and hardware so if you installed...
I'm pretty sure it is... He posts a lot on Facebook too and possibly Instagram
Introducing VProm 3.0 [MEDIA] VProm 3.0 Uncut Live Walk-through - Sampling Stuff - Part 1 [MEDIA]
This is incorrect stating "every update is paid". I have and still do receive many updates by email for free and he's a great guy doing everything...
I had similar issue with a couple of release of Waves (R2R) not showing in DAW and been installing them for many years (but not with the latest...
Focusrite Platinum Voicemaster can be picked up pretty cheap now or their Trak Master Transistor Mic Pre, Expander, Harmonics, Compressor,...
VOICEMEETER BANANA Advanced Mixer is great. I use it sometimes to record my DAW Stereo Out by changing ASIO in my DAW to Voicemeeter Virtual ASIO...
I prefer 444hz (+16 cents i think) [which I believe is 528hz] over 432hz (-32 cents) myself and Frequencies do have an effect on the body and some...
I would get another cheap Android if you want to play around cos if you do online banking it may stop the banking app from working if installing...
Yes what I wrote is best if installing r2r then follow r2r instructions for that Steinberg Instrument 'Content' with Copy/Paste (seems best) or...
Yes most you can double-click and it will Open Steinberg Library Manager and install it. Also in LM you can Move Libraries too. However it is best...
Some are OK to be double clicked and installed but PadShop comes with seperate Content installation so best installing it the normal way like with...
and stop being naughty changing names of folders messing up the Steiny Cubase file structure. It should look something like this: [ATTACH]
also Massive 1.6.0 should have VST3 if all fails
I would guess that your Downloading failing will be more to do with your Browser blocking the Download or possibly Windows Defender. They like to...
Thanks @Radio for sharing these amazing sounds you created very much appreciated :like: I tested the Women Chorale Preset and it does Crackle...
Check out Marc Barnes Wavestate Volumes 1-12... His Youtube channel is Angelstar Scotland which is his Band name. He has made quite a lot of great...
Thanks I don't have that Preset but judging by the name... Anyway on testing a Preset it will only crackle if overloaded and into the red so he...
The video you sent your VSTi Retrologue was clipping. What Preset in Retrologue was causing the issue and I'll try it playing it normally? Edit: I...
I agree with @DoubleTake using Windows Firewall is just a bad idea and will allow all sorts of access in and out without you even knowing or...
Separate names with a comma.