Charging for minor things like a mixer on the bottom screen is downright greedy the Gui of 12 is shit I like 10 it just looks simpler and less...
FL is worth the money trust me
Just buy FL you’ll be set for life lifetime FREE updates
No not really I have what I need lol
Yep I have live 10 suite and refuse to buy over and over I’m happy with what I have I legitimately own 10 suite I don’t see a need to blow more...
It bothered me in the beginning but now that I know all the keys to open what I need I love it also you can turn things into an instrument track...
Reaper is so bare bones it barely has anything
I forced myself to learn FL I love all the free updates I got sick of paying for Ableton so I will always come back to FL studio besides that it’s...
Studio one sucks ass with midi editing I couldn’t stand it
Ableton Live 10 suite and FL studio signature bundle can’t go wrong using those Ableton is like Acid pro and FL kicks Abletons midi capabilities...
I have tons of magix stuff I could sell too acid pro 10 samplitude pro X6 Vegas pro etc
None they are overpriced
Can buy viper cheaper from Adam Szabo
i like viper sounds just like a virus TI and it can load roms and presets for said synths
Viper is better
Thanks for the suggestions ableton really is the GOAT
eh im happy with my live 10 suite dont need anything else really
Adam Szabo Viper is like my go to for anything it sounds just like a Virus TI
can i have free 8 track version of bitwig
since i already own Live 10 suite i just spark ideas in 12 and then drag and drop the files into 10 so i have more track space
Separate names with a comma.