Pardon? Where is any emotion in that voice? Also use Metric AB and listen without the treble. The mids! Come on, man! :mad: Overdriven tape...
Thanks! Update which may be of interest for some: This method does no longer work with the recent v5.12. v5.07 worked, but (maybe coincidence) I...
With your correctly EQed (=Harman-curve-like) headphones, go on the APL Virtuoso 2 homepage and listen to the binaural sound demos. I was flashed...
Yeah. It's in accordance with studies, that more educated listeners and mixing professionals prefer a less pronounced bass range, because of the...
Honestly I don't get the hype and can't stand this modern ultrasquashed US sound, that pretends not to be squashed. Taylor Swift Anti-Hero: Am I...
Because they are equing torwards flat. Go to Surely has your HP measurements. Choose a Harman curve, export the EQ correction...
Without the rolloff everything hurts and is sounding hard and ugly. What really matters is the midrange. A good sounding midrange will make you...
I can't stand Sonarworks (and Waves NX and Dear VR) headphone corrections, because they all correct as if it were speakers (flat). :dont: All...
Honestly? As always the first seconds show, that you should work on the basics first, instead of doing whole mixes: the percussion like synth has...
But the sparkle of your good sound (on the bright side) does not come from the top end but from the excellent midrange and the controlled...
Yeah, another thread slowly turned into Thruthear, the world leader in professional monitoring tools... Tried the Truthear Crinacle and was...
Somehow my explanation with not well known tips&tricks got scrambled. Will not type it again. Short: A piano player who starts a new song every...
Assuming the source material is nofadadc
Language question: Does that mean you don't have VSX anymore? (present perfect tense suggests you still own them?)
To be a bit less sarcastic and more helpful: It is good to take the time to learn sound profiles, but they should be used for very specific...
And music consists only of bass? That's the experience behind product reviews. I mean I don't even...
Great mixes done on HPs without experience with good monitoring? After all these years I still need to see a prove, to believe it. It works the...
Maybe I can cure you of the torture: Have you ever heard a good sounding mix, made on VSX? Or on headphones alone? Not me. Never. Mixing only on...
Anyone knows, if v1.3.2 has been releazed? Do versions > 1.3.0 allow to switch off the 50 Hz hum?
Separate names with a comma.