It's a pity this great thread is dead and could'nt get reloaded on sister site.
I asked in a this closed thread "@Davman : which pack do you...
Thanks mate. To me, it is not warez, it is preset sharing @Olymoon, there are no commercial presets !
For those having paid amalgam presets : are they really better than free ones ?
Many many thanks Davman for that rich and brilliant review. Sorry for the off topic.
off topic : which sound do you prefer between them ?
Line6 and Fractal don't...
Melda just added MGuitarArchitect (NeuralAmpLoader plugin) to the beta version of it's bundle. thanks DonCaballero (on another thread)
yes, I wonder what is it for and how it works too ? Btw thanks Rodger for the new update. From Davman (thanks mate) on sister site : ToneX 1.2.1...
Many many thanks Rodger and izn444nz for your precious work :wink:
Interested in sharing Headrush presets ? Feel free to PM me (with "start a conversation")...
Check your conversations dude
I wonder why IK does not propose an easy tool to build banks/libraries we could call whatever we want. ToneX pedal proposes 150 presets, so libs...
ToneX 1.1.6 / Amplitube 5.6.0 are on sister site. Anyone have presets to share ? Thanks.
Merci Max, superbe travail !
hi Guitarmaniac64, I agree, IK won't release an Amplitube modeler. [offtopic : about Helix : do you use auto impedance or you set it manually ?...
"Give it 2-3 years, let them milk ToneX pedal v1, and they will come with a v2 including Amplitube that's for sure" Oh yes ! Hope they'll copy...
hi forumers, newbie question : must libraries be renamed "library" or it works as is ? Thank you
Yes exactly izn444nz, thank you ! (Are these "fake" libraries files for example, or you compiled the 3 libraries ?)
Hi forumers, These threads propose ToneX best profiles :...
Separate names with a comma.