hehe thanks man :wink:
I was planning on making a 3d animation for this track but changed my mind and decided to work on something else, so I'm releasing it as a single...
I am my own favourite tutorial and plugin reviewer person.
LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THIS WASN'T A JOKE!!!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
to add to @phumb-reh's advice, make sure you turn the power supply off as well to make sure there aren't any electrons from the outside invading...
fuck me dead this guys a genius...
hehe POVray is still used by graphics programmers today to study raytracing, especially students...
Nope you aren’t being fooled... Not a mistake, but not a correct thing either. I’m aware of it. Blender doesn’t have a way of having particles...
new ting... [ATTACH]
never had requests, but I don't really think I'm that confident with 3d yet to do requests. Maybe one day when I feel ready...
was just trying out doing a light ray effect using volumetric lighting in blender, expensive effect but fun to do... [ATTACH]
these threads are amazing, it gives me insight into how dumb some people are, and that is entertaining as hell XD now I'm not saying imma smart...
I think my point came off across the wrong way... what I meant to say was, trying to seek money making music isn't going to be a great motivation...
I second that, if you are doing it for money and not because you truly enjoy it, ur gnna have a miserable time. Just learn to have fun with it...
Time and time again, we have all preached from the beginning: JUST YOOOOUSE SOUNDGOOODIZER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
shutup @The Pirate also @Xupito does it look like @No Avenger has a cheetah in his profile pic. It's a tiger ffs! gawd ur dumb!
just want to take this time to remind everyone that @No Avenger has a fetish for tiger pr0nz...
okay go...
uffffffffff, a thread about buying shit on a forum with members that come from an audio plugin pirating site... These are my fav threads. Hol up...
Separate names with a comma.