Those scripts are great, and allow you to add libraries without using Kontakt 5.6. Works fine on Big Sur, both Intel and M1.
I've found that Batch resave significantly improves load times in almost every case, and for Modern Scoring Strings, the difference was quite...
It's really not that big a deal, but for me it was more of an academic exercise than anything. If it's not worth it to you, then don't.
I had the same issue. It was caused by a duplicate xml I had with an SNPID of "000". I found it by methodically removing half of the xmls from...
Not true. Crossover and Keygenapp both run fine on M1/Big Sur.
Disagree with this as general advice. I've been in IT and software development for 40 years. Buying discontinued (or about to be) tech is a...
Kontakt is running under Rosetta 2, the Intel compatibility layer. Because it is so tightly integrated with the chip, some apps will actually run...
Logic Pro, Final Cut, and Handbrake are the main Universal/ARM apps that I use where I see a big performance improvement, even when running...
Yeah, no argument there. If you're gonna overcharge for a basic app like that, it at least should have free bug fixes! I was in the same boat,...
Hi Fred, I got the issue sorted, even on the M1. Bear in mind all of my Libraries show up and work fine in Kontakt, and the only reason I was...
Nope, same exact symptom. It doesn't even appear to be creating the temporary file on either system.
Yes, it has access to both and also has access to Files and Folders
Hi Fred, thanks for the update. Both on M1/Big Sur and Intel/Catalina, it now gets all the way through the processing (including the number of...
Kontakted has worked great for me with adding libraries as usual with Kontakt 5.6 and them running them under 6.5.2. Fine both on Intel/Catalina...
vuuru_keg just gave some excellent advice that can be applied to installing most any k'd plugins on Mac. The only thing I have to add, is that...
Thanks for that link, it was an interesting read, and completely matches my own experience. I own & love the BlueCat software.
I completely agree! When I was kid (in the 60s), I bought my 2nd electric guitar, a used and beat-up Fender Jaguar, which I initially thought was...
The guy that started that rumor ended up having no end to his problems, and AFAIK, ended up switching back to running Logic natively. While it...
I'm not sure what your objection is to running things under Rosetta2, but I assure you that it works beautifully the vast majority of the time. As...
For awhile, moving forward, there will be many apps that are Universal, which means they have both the Intel and ARM versions built in. It's...
Separate names with a comma.