Yamaha/Steinberg is serious hardware ... I have an UR824 and it works great :wink:
This is the top audio interface from Steinberg for the next years and they put AES/EBU on it and not Dante ... ? ... Steinberg or Yamaha, does...
¡¡¡¡ Happy nu yeah !!!!! :break::dj::drunks::drummer::metal::phunk::speaker:
Thanks for the advice , now I have a new registered plugin
For a begginer, a good point to start is with "The Art of Mixing" from David Gibson, very basic & simple concepts but very well explained with a...
Happy New Year:cheers: :metal::speaker:
Yeah, Thank you so much :guru: :thanks::thanks::thanks:
:disco::mates::winker: Thank U so much Merry Chritsmas. :rofl::guru:
Merry Christmas for everybody:guru: :mates::mates::mates::mates:
Have you search a "satriani" preset for amplitube ... ? I´m sure there must are tons in the web If you search a little, you can also find wich...
Just for your information, there are pro software apps for recovering data from hard disk with serious problems. You can recover your data even...
I´m going to tell you the only truth : When you make all us loose our precious time with that stupid post full of bullshit, you´re actually...
@Cafenegro You are free to think and espress yourself whatever you want, but what you can´t do is to insult to anybody that think diferent to you...
R2R, Au*topia, Air,etc ... bring us the posibility to check before buy without any kind of restriction all that software that otherwise we never...
This is great :wink: Thank U so much Bro :mates:
Duplicate post ... Erased
A very sad sad day ... another group of innocent people killed for no justified reason ... :( This world is full of psicotic moth**f**k*rs that,...
One free alternative to record your desktop ... I don´t know if it also records the audio :...
I´m always very happy with R2R & Audiotopia releases, whatever & whenever they release them . Having said that, I would like they would have...
Happy New Year´s Eve to all of you musicians and your families :winker: I wish next year will bring all of us a lot of health:yes:, love:mates:,...
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