Just tried it. As always at best tools, GUI looks like shit but function is TOP. :wink::winker:
Use Handbrake! Its free, fast and able to unmux and save audio only without new encoding. https://handbrake.fr/
For the lyrics he used ChatGPT https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/ When you want the AI creating lyrics simply write for exsample "Write me a verse...
Robert Görl (DAF) - A ist wieder da (1984) [MEDIA]
Nice, but I guess, this is just a remix and not the original version.
When I take a look at the actual single charts I dont know any of the artists! :rofl:
Best KeyGen music ever. [MEDIA]
Hmm, is it somehow possible to find out if my account is hacked? If I'm able to login it is not, correct? I guess the hackers will change the...
Thats really sad news. One more genius is gone. R.I.P. Terry! :(:(
This video and Rubber Johnny is suitable to give me nightmares. :woot::wow: But when I watch "Window Licker" after it, everything will be fine!...
I dont believe they host the site without any ISP.
Take this site to find out the ISP who serves the site: https://iplogger.org/url-checker/ Then try to find out if there's an abuse form on the...
They just had to visit us in the 80ies and now. "Hey guys look..is this the same Madonna? OK, where is the next planet? All engines to WARP 8, plz"
The Cassandra Complex - One Millionth Happy Costumer (EBM Mix) [MEDIA] Trisomie 21 The Last Song (the video is a good document of the culture in...
BOAH...I had collected 16 Euros over 8 years. I'm bankrupt now! This was my retirement provision! :rofl:
Ohh, it seems we have a doctor here. Fletch suffered from Depression and Anxiency disorder since the 90ies. It would be 100 times more likely that...
That software was really fantastic...as it was also able to burn Akai Sample CD's. But on modern Win machines it doesnt work anymore, because of...
Once again simply use VLC-Player (free) Here's how to do. https://www.wikihow.com/Rip-DVDs-with-VLC Additional info for point 7 in the...
The FTP Account data for the latest version v12.2 are: ftp.soundquest.org User: [email protected] Password: +9J$AN~?6*mo But the sqz...
The reason why the FTP Download doesnt work anymore is, the FTP connection is hard coded in the prögram code. You can alternatively choose to...
Separate names with a comma.