I think you are arguing in my side here and didn't really deal with any point I made elsewhere.
There is nothing ambiguous about the story of narcissus. The problem is not the word but the interpretations of what happens when someone is in...
It may be beyond the realms of psychotherapy to "cure" narcissism or that the term is scientific, but I have no doubt that narcissist is a good...
Psychoanalysis (Freud et al) is a con. At university in England it is mentioned as being of historic interest only. The whole thing is...
I'm in a similar position but can still hear in both ears (one attenuated and both with a loss of high end.As the music is for my pleasure only,...
Do you have the later version? It had a different gui from the first iteration . Did you know that you can extract the midi chords from harmony...
I always thought a platform where you just show one picture of yourself full face called "my face" would be useful.
Thanks for making that clear
So you are saying that people have been buying just the EZKeys midi packs which they could do nothing with until now thanks to your converter.
I had no idea you had to buy EZKeys. I can see now why you would want to pirate the midi files
I'm not sure why you need this. I just audition the midi in ez keys and then drag into the DAW.
This must be about my intimacy with the Russian site
I found this video particularly useful for messing about with Kontakt samples. Towards the end shows deleting and replacing bad samples. [MEDIA]
A GUI based way of creating reaticulate banks as I find creating new ones, and the consequent debugging, hard work.
I go to the Russian site if I want to get good quality. I was separating tracks recently and needed a good source. Most is in flac format
Thanks. I knew there must be a better way.......there always is with reaper.
I do this a lot to observe orchestration on classical pieces. In Reaper there is an action (command) "show all cc lanes" so you can see exactly...
There are lots of orchestration tutorials on youtube for all abilities.I can't sight read but have learnt enough to take an idea and expand it to...
Surely rappers by definition don't sing. They just talk in a monotonous voice.
Separate names with a comma.