man, wouldn't it be crazy that R2R would drop this year the cracks for the newest ilok protections???
GG RIP unc quincy and shoutout to his long and awarded career
bro we got mozart and the cure dropping new music before gta 6
i agree that ilok is no longer a problem, but the pace manager probably was up to now. now that they have mentioned that pace and wibu (possible...
this. what they basically did was to corner avid and now we might finally see the final punch.
this sounds to me like a somewhat behringer shenaningans, cause their gain stage is not that long
consider it like a concept car: it might have not been completely good, but with that it was shown that avid was not really safe and, in the long...
yeah yeah, that. my bad
depends to be honest, cause i personally cannot shake out the feeling that we might see something coming, given their mention of a collab between...
from the last nfo, it seems that they are not done at all
probably a younger daw???
it wasn't, the nfo describe they are starting
what software uses could be using both wibu and pace, and we are not really aware of it... and also that hasn't been defeated in a long time
more than importance as product, is the answer to the question: who hasn't been fucked yet?
this years gong is gonna be wild!!!
i have a message also: thanks <3
i can already smell the magix studio one being made... cause these fender fuckers are gonna make it go into the shadow realm
this sounds like something i would crack/create to handle shit like protools or universal audio plugins (both on ilok and their own software that...
yoooo thanks man
the mac de marco ones sound like something i would do with the most basic acoustic drum pack from any of the devs, alongside with either a reverb...
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