No he has plenty of money now.:)
That's not what they tell on your link. btw they are suckers with their attitude,I can't believe it.I doubt that's legit in Europe. I'm not sure...
Probably not.That's a disposable synthesizer I agree,but that's like like most of todays gear.All current synthesizers are made of SMT parts,the...
I don't know many engineers mixing in mono on one speaker.Why the hell would you want to mix on one speaker?You check your mixes in mono for...
It doesn't sound bad for $200,the pwm sounds are nasty,it has a multimode filter,drive,delay,arpeggiator...Cool stuff.I just hate the midi I/O on...
I agree this would have been an even more interesting topic I think.:wink:
Nowadays I think that's even worse with all this quantity of cheap (the cheap quality but for much money! ) gear released on the market.All...
Sorry I don't know what MMC means. I just noticed some automations are created in the midi editor too...On top of that that's impossible to remove...
Did you manage to re-assign the transport buttons in S1?Maybe the s1 developpers have changed the name of these functions. I have an Akai Advance...
Surprising,10 years ago I made a gift of a Lexicon Alpha as his first audio interface to my brother,and he still uses it to this day. Obviously...
Uhe Repro 1 and Repro-5 are worth to add to this list in my opinion.Lovely plugins. I find interesting Rob Papen Vecto for pads sounds,atmospheres...
You need the 'soundsource library update',the 'patch library update', and the 'software update'.
You know it,THE sister site.Try 'The pirate" version.But it's odd you get missing files,I rather suspect you forgot to install a 'patch library...
I feel your pain,I slipped on ice 20 years ago and fell on my coccyx.It was less serious than your injury though. Why don't you use something like...
Yeah,not bad either!:rofl:
I think your coxyx injury comes from this chair.Look at the design of cushions,where your butt is sat on;they are the opposite of this chair.
@The Pirate I think you shoud revert back to your previous avatar with the guy and the 2 chicks,it was just perfect for this place.
I don't use UAD,so I haven't any nice Fatso 'emulation'.I'm surprised ELI took the decision to make an EQ and not the Fatso.The market is already...
Yes but do you believe that they managed to make this plugin sounding as good as the hardware? I don't like much this GUI too. Maybe I'll try it...
I was waiting for a Fatso.That's just another EQ...
Separate names with a comma.