Is there any other link than gumroad? I'm never able to buy or download anything from gumroad as it wont accept any of my payment methods + it...
OK, strange. Tested it on 2 virtual machines (win 8.1 & Win 11) and it crashed there as soon as I opened it. Maybe it's some settings on my end...
Does Deemix-gui work for anyone? Since a couple of days it crashes as soon as I add my arl.
Seems like my style with backdrop filters hits the CPU quite a lot in Firefox but doesn't in Opera. So I'll have to create 2 versions I think....
You could try to find some audio warez bundle dvd iso's from the 90's or early 2000's on torrent sites. I know that I once found one of them when...
OK, I think it's going in a nice direction now. The header is animated, background is a dark polygon one (looks bad in the gif, I know), most...
That's why I do my styles on my own. There I can change every element as I want. Edit: It would be even possible to create a glass design with...
OK, a first try on the forum's css style in the Stylus addon: [IMG]
There's also an addon called Stylus. With that addon you can create custom css styles for any website. I did it for AZ once and I'm using that...
What you could try: Go to: C:\ProgramData\Minimal\Current and delete the file "minimal.license" Then run NeBULA's AuthEmu again and reauthorize.
Same happened to me in another forum when I showed how to extend a beta expiration date using the tool RunAsDate from Nirsoft.
Ye, if you do a Windows Live installation (bootable from a usb stick as main disk), that size is possible. Thats basically the recovery image...
Ye, thats not possible. More like 40GB. Windows 11 itself has at least 15-17GB if you remove everything but the files neccessary to run it...
Online Gamers still can game online with a local account. I'm also gaming from time to time. You don't need an online account to go online but if...
Thats why no one should use an online windows account and that's why I always enable local account creation in my Windows images. As I know they...
I found an entry in one of the most recent 23H2 builds called "Windows AI Machine Learning API" and I could successfully remove it with no issues....
Hm, I once wrote a batch script (Windows) that deletes specific words/phrases from a txt file. I used it to clear up html data/elements to get...
Worst thing about 12 is that they're about to use the AI tech to scan everything on your machine for potential threatful or explicit content and...
I decrypted the first 2 lines: -----BEGIN R2R MESSAGE----- Dear Santa Claus. Since you filled up my socks with coals last year, I tried my best...
First I thought it could've been: [MEDIA] But now I think it's the refrain of: [MEDIA]
Separate names with a comma.