You mean "Everything"? Ye, I'm using this since years, it's the best search engine in my opinion. After becoming very annoyed by Windows'...
Try to get a copy of "Registrar Registry Manager Pro". It opens the reg hives in elevated mode so you can delete whatever you want. I once...
Thats hardcoded into FL Studio. Only way possible to disable everything cloud related is to debug FL Studio / alter the binaries.
I just installed 2024.2.0 and deticked "FL Cloud Plugins" in the installer. It doesn't show "Manage FL Cloud plugins" here. Edit: Wait, in the...
Open Regedit or any other registry editor (I recommend TorchSoft Registry Workshop) and go to:...
It might have been v1.33b4 & v1.35b1 by a reverser called "r4e" ;) or the most recent one (v1.36b8) by R2R.
You can also check this site: It collects all the deals you're looking for, also when it's not black friday.
Windows Defender is pure crap. It flags almost everything thats not signed as virus. So if you create your own custom installer, it's a not...
There used to be a site called Crackwatch back in the days, maybe there's a fork or somthing. It showed any current and past game + if it got...
Hm, Github shows a 404 error. Edit: Might because some Antivirus devs detect malicious code in here....
I don't care about ending update support. Last Update I've installed was 4½ years ago and then I disabled them completely using policies and...
You could try suggesting that feature to the murglar devs. They currently allow to download from Deezer, VK, Yandex Music, SoundCloud, Zvuk and...
There is no premium JD2, it's just a freeware downloader, you only can go premium with your file sharing account and then add it to JD2 in its...
You could try the portable and unlocked version by vkDanilov to see how it works for you. If you're a legit user, R2R's Kontakt might be not for...
What are you so mad about? You seem like one of my choleric employees who rages about everything as soon as he feels beeing criticized, even if no...
Easiest way is to run Notepad as admin and then hit "ctrl + o" or "file -> open" to open the hosts file.
Send me the plugin file in a pm and I'll de-politicize it for you. Just tried it on the copy I've laying around here but if you want a specific...
I cannot get this information into my brain, I'm shocked. We shared hundrets of messages in private and he always helped me getting my projects...
There's (or was) a cmd tool called "FileVer" which was available at microsoft for download (but somehow it's not anymore). With the command:...
I'm using the VersInfoEx Shell Extension since years. It shows those infos exactly like on Windows 7 and it still runs perfectly on Windows 11....
Separate names with a comma.