On a modest budget, something similar to this Handyman build would get you started: https://www.familyhandyman.com/walls/how-to-soundproof-a-room/...
Thanks for enabling a download link on Soundcloud. The track has legs, bro'. Has me thinking it would go great with a cinematic trailer video cut....
Before anyone else jumps in, I should like to be the first to say that's the best Willie photo ever. Oh, and Lemmy, too.
Good one @Recoil. Me likee the big sound canvas that you made there. What I didn't like was the way that Soundcloud algorithm crushed the living...
Port Noir album - The New Routine, released 9th May 2020. [MEDIA]
Memory Of Hiroshima by Stomu Yamash'ta from the show Man From The East sometime in the mid 1970s blew my socks off. I saw the show performed...
I'm told his oboe was so big his arms were too short to reach the bell end.
Humble apologies. :bow: I wrongly perceived the 1st round as a friendly warmup. Shots fired across the bows, as it were.
Dizzy Gillespie ... makes me tap the soles of my feet whereas Coltrane taps into the soul. Methinks @The Pirate takes the 1st round.
Dayum. I wish I'd known that forty years ago when I became a professional film & television Producer/Director. Instead of benefiting from such...
Deu meu. És un món petit! Ho sabia tot sobre l’empresa de sistemes de subtítols on treballaves. I say no more here except you are welcome to PM...
Yes, @Xupito. Catalonian section TV3. :yes:
Meravellós! Disculpes. No sóc català. Vaig treballar per a TV3. But I am out of order and way off-topic here. So, I will stfu, gtfo and :suicide:
There is something I wanted to ask you @Xupito ... parles català?
:woot: @Xupito Have mercy on this old man. I don't wanna go off half cocked.
If you are fucking my mother, you're probably sticking your dick in her ash hole. She died and was cremated 20 years ago. :hillbilly:
A guide to formatting your cover art for various online platforms... If you wish to avoid using Photoshop to create the artwork, try GIMP. It's a...
Oh wow, you guys. I used to miss having Captain Beefheart around. Not any more. Those vids. What can I say? Man, it's like he's right here in the...
Maybe try Ambient Electrical Noise Lite vst by Syncersoft. Free. 32-bit only. http://syncersoft.com/electricalnoiselite.htm
Tough choice. On the one hand, Covid-19 is free and your band mates don't need a dongle to share it with you. On the other hand, Pro Tools Avid...
Separate names with a comma.