I still on High Sierra, all workiing perfect, all sound perfect, not needed another OS update to ruin all my old and new projects. Good luck to...
Melodyne are the best, simply slow down your voice track and apply melodyne, tuning at your desired pitch.
For me, Studio One are the best and most effective DAW to create and producing songs, mix and mastering, I don't care about new versions coming,...
This is the latest version from v2 C64 skin [ATTACH]
The older Nexus 2 samples, specifically the free presets are not officially supported by the reFX cloud, only all official exp.
Run flawless on High Sierra: [ATTACH]
I wish for this christmas Roland Cloud, Rob Papen Explorer 6, all Native Instruments stuff, all Plugin Alliance stuff, all U-he stuff, released by...
Cashmere, big respect to you and your effort for mac users, very very appreciated. But remember, Audionews have a lot of good reputation for now....
Sine wave for sub and Saw for body. LP filter at 10% to --> A 0% D 30% S 20% R 5% AMP to --> 0% D 50% S 100% R 5% MONO with portamento.
Why you need Nexus if we have Dune 3, Ana 2 and Spire? a real synthesizers, not simple sample player with very limited edition capabilities.
Synthmaster it's a very good sounding synth. Despite from "limitations" compared with others synths like Falcon, for me, Synthmaster are best than...
Waves, UAD and iZotope here from years. I have an extensive palette of sound and color for all music styles and genres.
Good news about Renaissance updates! I hope L2 and SSL collection with big new user interface. All that I use for mixing and mastering.
Hi guys, thanks for these useful info. I'm going to check.
Hi to all. Yeah, I'm looking for 90s classics Eurodance and Eurobeat presets and samples. Sounds like Masterboy, Dr Alban, Culture Beat, 2...
May be High Sierra was the last stand for working audio apps, may be the best for most audio apps users will be stop using Mojave and downgrade to...
I use both, very different approach and with different tools each. Test and take the best of both worlds.
I work on my iMac 27 late 2013/Haswell core i5 3.5ghz. Still solid like a rock with Mojave and all audio apps and VST's up to date.
I get it and tested thoroughly in an entire audio stems mix, and compare with Slate VCC, Waves NSL and Heat from Pro Tools, for now this frontdaw...
mmm... I take the "All Access Pass" from Slate Digital and less than a week I canceled... They refund my money with no problem.
Separate names with a comma.