@TruBlood The mixing was good in general. made my ears bleed, so you fulfilled the EDM loudness critirea, and it is so generic. So you've hit the...
Agree with all that. It's all procrastination of course. While I'm here though...... @foster911 don't you have a track to finish. Coming on...
Hey Steve. I see you've brought your Trollbase with you. Sorry guys, I meant fanbase. That Trollism just jumped out. It happens when you see...
And you Are? Put your music up,and we'll all tell you if you're talented enough to make that comment.
You disrespectful little wanker!
Rest in music. Mr. Kakehashi.
Be well friend. Until then......
Don't write stupidly long pieces of whatever that's suposed to be in the first place. Part of the song writing process, is to write something that...
You're right. You don't have a problem Hamonizing. You have a problem with PROCRASTINATING!
Didn't see this before, if you haven't found anything yet, check out Bandicam, as That's what you see on a lot of tut vids.
It's not about work, but the fact that it's more tactile and better for creativity. You can't adjust 2 perameters at the same tine with a mouse....
It doesn't need anything doing to the melody. It just needs some re-arranging. It's good enough already.
Go hardware and have a more tactile, fun experience.
My guess is you didn't read the thread. Read it. Please!!
Well. I don't really don't have time to be tit-arsing around, as I have a lot of projects that are in progress, which I would like to get...
Panning. Start off your mix with panning and levels only first. Then only if you have to, use EQ to cut.
Not at all. They are very good cans, but I would advise you to get open or semi open backs, for when you are working on the low frequencies, as it...
That's part of your problem. You are compressing it to death. There's nothing wrong with using headphones, but you do need to use the right type....
A couple of useful things in here, only 1.7 mb. http://www.breakbeat-paradise.com/bb_download.php?sampleid=555
No. Genre is set parts of a piece of music, that allows us to define, catergorize, and label it. Because humans, as a spieces, cannot deal with...
Separate names with a comma.