I like the first version. Much more dynamic, more expressive. If you want to sound like the 90s, then normalize and don't compress (saturate) just...
It's good for writing lyrics if you're making music in a minimalist style.
Please R2R do not hack, crack, warez this. Support the developer who is at the beginning and tries to offer quality plugins at the lowest price.
It sounds good minus that modern punch that you won't find in the music of the 80s.
Phase can appear when listening on the speakers while recording the microphone.
R.I.P C.J. Harris :shalom: R.I.P Schwab, Mr. Windows, NWO... and so on.
It should be called: Compression revisited.:yes:
If i had voted 99 times, Luna would be the winner. :disco:
Happy New Year!:drunks:
:no: I've been using Reaper since version 3. Once you know Reaper well, you realize that from creating a mix session to completion, you work two...
Kenny Gioia just started a series of videos with the presentation of Reaper 6. Those who are interested in starting a long-term adventure, would...
Merry Christmas to you too! :shalom:
There is a script downloaded by ReaPack: zaibuiydao_Set Track Name. Create tracks as many as you want, select all, run the script and hit OK. You...
If you are recording material that will be stretched, then do it at high sampling rate.
Waiting for T100 model.
"Don't screw it!"
Its about gluing the elements of a mix. If the mix is dense enough then you can jump it.
Separate names with a comma.