You cannot push any one up a ladder unless he be willing to climb a little himself. [SPOILER] Nothing special about this kick C'mon man it's just a kick at 118bpm:)[SPOILER]
@Spyfxmk2 και @taskforce Σας ευχαριστουμε για ολα! Καλή αρχή!
I see 2x @twoheart no matter what you do original will be always original :bleh::mates: nicely done!
@Liedom Is this what you are looking for? [MEDIA]
it's not about the music the group ΗΜΙΣΚΟΥΜΠΡΙΑ have done something different and very funny. They were ahead of their time ( if only you could...
Just get it all.
@Sylenth.Will.Fall @Nick12 Thank you guys for your support The chances of someone recovering from a coma largely depend on the severity and...
Very sad news! I wish he get well soon and better day come for him and his family! I was in the same situation back in 2011 since then my life is...
Try the built in Ableton tutorials. There are some useful stuff there regardless the type of music you make. And as a first step, make visible the...
I agree with you there is no guarantee for anything! You can be dead by tomorrow morning ! But it's not a reason for not trying to achieve your...
trying to help the guy [MEDIA]
Bad day?
I hope you're joking! success = hard work and hard work again and again! Success is not for the lazy! Start your day right,change your way of...
You don't have to take drugs just read a few foster's posts and you're good to go for a day or two:crazy:
Try "Erosion" Ableton built in device , use the sine (wave) it can help to get the "ringing"/"crispness" of the high and low notes (it depend on...
foster is foster he is human being from nowhere i like him and at the same time i hate him, all the people on this planet have problems Foster has...
ok you got me i'm out! gonna "perfect" my thoughts now...cheers
Separate names with a comma.