Did you ever fix this issue? Because it is happening for me with the Rhodes and sustain pedal. Ummm. EDIT: Fixed it by upping the sample preload...
I have actually tried both of those things, sadly however... it is not what I want/need. Neither options are the same as free-running LFOs.
I will tell you something that utterly baffles me about these KORG synths/softsynths. For all the flexibility in the modulation department (and...
It is back up. Think they have lost their recent posts though or they are still getting things back on the go. :D. Last upload was on 12th of...
what does this mean? what are the Rutracker urls?
If anyone figures out what has happened or where to go, please let us know. Thank you.
Huh? I don't think so kidder. What are you even on about? I read what you say but I just come out empty handed. Listen, sometimes scales and...
You are never still going on are you? Crikey. No I didn't make any assumptions about you mate. I just based it around what you displayed to me in...
No it isn't an insult. You can either learn from mistakes, or not and keep on spouting like you are with a load of unneccessary things. I don't...
I haven't thrown any insults, just simply stated facts. Sorry mate. Learn from mistakes, or keep on spouting. The ball is in your court. :).
I didn't spout any qualifications, I quickly dropped it in to tell you my background so that you would know that what I am saying comes from a...
Insecurity? See now that is another silly assumption right there. You are not making yourself look any better. Unfortunately, I ran out of...
Ah, i see the problem with you now. You are assumptious and silly. For a start, you do not know how qualified I am. Secondly, this isn't a...
We can already reproduce pure analogue signals upto whatever sample rate we are working at. This means that digital signals can accurately...
What are you talking about? None of what he said about the EQ is opinion. I am a scientist who works in DSP. He tested it correctly. He MATCHED...
What? That isn't what he did. He set Reapers EQ curves to the EQ curves that 32C was applying and matched the signals for a perfect null.
Separate names with a comma.