Hi! For who cares about synths presets, here is a discount code I've just received for the new Serum presets from Luftrum - Hey! That's What We...
At Gumroad just tenter in search tab Ableton and you will find some cool free or paid stuff, like Yeuda Ben-Atar and many others . For M4L...
could you elaborate, please?
You may try the FX units from Psychic Modulation
Here you are @Stuck In The 80s , 1st Fx rack a bit modded 2nd Fx rack more modded [IMG] cheers
Dear @Sounddept , as @Roject just wrote, music production is a long way. But I should add music , art is a long way. I'm drummer, composer &...
All this will be in the balance of limiting the environmental footprint of the design and deployment of digital networks and infrastructures. It...
Today is the BC Friday, here are few tracks, more will come :) [MEDIA] [MEDIA] take care
@Molly Poppins : Did you tried the last Novation PEAK ? :woot::winker: [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
You can also feed your VST synth (or what you want) into an external hardware. Even some cheap guit/bass pedals, cassette multitrack do the job to...
could be an inspiration: [MEDIA] "keep in mind mastering can help too" Nope this is a shimmer, if your rec/mix sucks, the mastering won't hep it
Could you please share this workflow service?
For Ableton, but the idea should work with many DAW:...
SDRR is a great one [MEDIA]
44.1khz or 48 khz only. And 96khz at AES50 which is reduce the numb of input under this clock.
How big is your user library? If it quite big it sometimes takes longer to the app to load.
There is a great M4L devices builder who had the nice idea to create awesome cassette noise and IR ,electromagnetic filed recoding and the worlds...
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