LOL...That's what I liked, the reverb as it for me lifted the visual in my mind of the goings on of the residents of the room from the mundane...
I don't buy it. All the fungus that I jam with are keyboard players (although I do know of a few woodwind players) and none have modular setups....
@Lemmy .. Your piece might be an apt for bits of a soundtrack for a film based on a novel of China Mieville's, perhaps Kraken. To me it asks many...
Hello @johnmusichead .. glad you could drop in a song! I like your melody.
I'm not a religious person, but thank God all that other crap is finally gone!
About 10 minutes away in Seewen is the largest automated musical instrument museum in the world. I been there a number of times, taking visitors...
Where have all the flowers gone, Long time passing? Wassup peoples, nobody wishing to go for... Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 ate 9...
I've been thinking of getting an octave mandolin and so was checking out the one that I was contemplating buying when Lady Moon was suggested on...
I believe that you meant "qualified" as an idiot. Keine Ursache!
Let me live vicariously through you and so please buy the epic recreation of the iconic CS-80, a DECKARD'S DREAM MK2. [MEDIA]
Yea, I had just moved to Topanga when I heard what sounded like an unfathomably huge monster bellowing in pain and moments later every dog and...
A Monkfish tastes like a monk. [IMG] [IMG]
Sooo happy!
I lived in L.A. for 12 years and watched fire eat people's homes, mudslides slip down steep gradings in torrential winter rains and destroy...
Electrical lines!
I never heard this instrument. The fellow does some nice playing here and I'm glad that I listened. [MEDIA]
Individually I am usually not much excited...but together there is a magical confluence of beauty.
Besides stealing whole chunks of melodies from Abba, those low and thieving Austrians stole the national flower of Switzerland, the noble white...
No, your not changing time signatures, just the rapid succession of notes played within the same time constraint.
Please add another choice...Not Yet.
Separate names with a comma.