I can't figure this one out dudes I offered to tweak a project for a friend that uses FL Studio as i had some spare time to do so this morning. i...
"WOW"you don't know much about plugins.you honestly think spectral filters are something innovative?they've been around since as long as, perhaps...
You are talking about phase correlation in relation to stereo.he's talking about phase correlation in relation to different sounds and their...
What you are looking for is called an Allpass filter.it allows you to change the phase of select group of frequencies a certain amount of degrees...
As i already pointed out.this stuff is pretty meaningless.the relationship between attack and decay is not that straight forward unless you are...
what you are asking doesn't make any sense.the attack stage is the first stage an envelope goes through.the middle would be the decay/sustain.the...
Yeah the sampler is a joke.they implemented sample start and end points but with absolutely dog shit resolution.the sampler does need revamping...
So much this.i think they've coded themselves into a corner and this is about all they can do.still don't get why the CPU sky rockets when you use...
I don't get what you are all complaining about.i've been on Rutracker for almost 10 years and it has ALWAYS required a login : snuffy:
I just went looking for it on Reaktor User Library since i finally installed my legit Komplete on my new laptop.seems they are gone and the guy...
Aah,ok Singomakers is one of the few decent newer label sample packs around definitely.i don't use em that much cause the packs i bought seem to...
I didn't know Origin Sound was under that banner.yeah it would seem more people prefer pseudo "mastered"type drums than to just have some starting...
Black Octopus is leading the poll?how lol,their stuff is clipped garbage for the most part.for the dance stuff there still hasn't been a better...
ROLI will fail eventually.its too gimmicky a product to be as successful as they imagine it would be and especially for the investment they...
Where to begin.if you think MMorph is revolutionary you mustn't know diddly squat about DSP.Zynaptiqs adaptive transform method of morphing is...
I hope you realise how ironic that post is.the guy behind Melda has copied everything under the sun(poorly i might add)he's the chinese knockoff...
What would you recommend then.my worst experience was actually with Zevera.that company is a total scam.ducked me for a whole month so i wouldn't...
I'm aware of that version.that's the one that crashes when you open the edit panel,but there is also an earlier version which works "fine"as a DX...
So i was going through old plugins again and i stumbled upon the old VST Spectral Designs version of Quadrafuzz.i don't remember if it was always...
Global oversampling is definitely overrated,but plugins sound a hell of a lot better when all the different blocks(especially the non-linear...
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