not for me. I'm west of Constantinople
I owned doubles of everything for true stereo patching back in the day. I wish I still had them. Haven't got around to messing w/the plugs yet. I...
Quick. Somebody call R2R
@lysergyk yessir I’ve seen that post in the reaper forums. I just don’t like the idea of making duplicates of tracks for a signal flow routing...
I’ve tried everything from disabling devices, power schemes, cpu core priority ect ect. Cubase & Nuendo have always sucked ass with random spikes…...
Clip your transients. On a bus, on a track on a plane on a muffin with some puddin in the rain.
In Windows, you can achieve this using PowerShell commands. Here's an example: ```powershell (Get-Content "your_file.txt") -replace...
Spitfire deserves some R2R treatment. They’re all a bunch of pretentious douchebags.
“Game changing” as he once put it lol
If real, I wouldn’t call it lenient. I’d call it scared shitless after R2R revealing all the bloat.
You'll never sound proof an apartment property without owning the place. But treating a room? I can get on board w/that... Since you're using it...
They eat my CPUwwww!!!
Can we all at least agree the majority of what people call “sounding good” comes 95% from the player?????
If a cheapo is good enough for an O.G. Allman Bros Band guitarist that's proof enough a $300 guitfiddle can sound just as good if not better than...
What do you mean by “sound” exactly? Because the majority of the sound that anverage folks associate with being good is produced by the player...
Splice The Hit Kit Vol 3 Sample Magic Forat custom MPC libraries Gold baby Vengeance Paul Nice Reimann Mutteki Media/Resonance Sound I’m prob...
Separate names with a comma.