jetzt bin ich interessiert . Kannst du die verschiedenen Stile einmal kurz erklären ? Vielleicht mit einem Musikalischen Beispiel dabei ? Ich...
Nobody ?
Yeah , checkout Bob's Releases.... can't go wrong with them
Thank you very much , I will try out the patchwork workaround .
Hi, I would like to have this template of all the effect channels for Studio one.
Hi , I want to try the Knock plugin by Plugins that knock , I can open it in S1 but it failed to 100% , my studio one crashes every time I open it...
Black rooster is great , my favourites to emulate Hardware is pulsar modular, kush , some waves things are great ,NLS for example.... The Arturia...
ok guys, two hours later I managed to get Solo working again. I used the Everything program to search my entire system for the old Solo vst...
yes, i have the Option enabled to rescan at every startup....The Solo Plugin is available at the plugin list but when i try to open it nothing...
Sorry , I'm on windows 10
hi , im running the last Solo 2.0.1 from the sister site . i can´t load the Plugin in Studio one , i have tried it in Cubase with no...
i really like the Vertigo Compressor , the Town House Bus Compressor , Shadow Hills is my favorite ! EQ - Amek the big one
Hi , how can I make this sound ? I think it's coming from a Moog Synth , but I don't know which one ....
i Love the Drumkeyz BWB Packs
This is 7.1 [MEDIA] On a Stereo Pair you can hear a "Special Depth" on Headphones as well ....But i think the real 7.1 Sound isn´t possible...
i don't think it's possible with a stereo pair.... i think the brain can be fooled when you use headphones but with two speakers i've never heard...
Thank you very much Guys ! The Plugin works ! is there a method to get the other plugins from Acustica or do we have to wait for the R2R releases...
I just can't find the Fire The Pump plugin in Studio One.... I have no idea if I did something wrong when installing the framework or when...
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