As old arcade gamer, I clearly remember the olympic game and the kung fu platform. Also Dragon's lair, though was the new kid of the block in...
In 1977/78 we had a Grundig tv color with (ultrasound) remote, we bought and attached the below console (that I still have along many other unused...
I made a quick test: I didn't work for TP4 as before, but other important (to me) sw/vst was surprisingly working fine. As a side note it still...
Where are the packages?
Beside the technical aspects of producing (daws, mixing etc.), do you play an instrument -and/or- do you know a minimum basics of musical theory?
That is not a standard notation, but yeah it's clearer now, but in this case still wrong, it's 6-4m-1m, not 5.
I don't get the point of the above dislike (not by you), however yes, it could be that K2000 sound, but is mixed with nature samples of rain and...
The Beloved? I don't clearly understand your chord notation, but for sure I can tell you that is Fmin scale, and chords are roughly based on the...
Right if OP needs many conversions this is above the best possible option.
You could ask if they have a professional Telecine transfer, that is the best possible option.
Not sure, I'm pretty confident it was recorded or taken from nature sounds samples, then distorted.
As @Majestic I think it was Kurzweil K2000 but I guess it's not difficult to get it on a vst, rompler or hybrid synth, I'll maybe try myself. Off...
Meh. They could have synced it well at least.
I forgot: I don't ask for that, after all they were sample playback workstations/synths, but for the other "analogue" engines, I expect to be so.
Oh, disappointing - I thought that Falcon engines would have been used more wisely, I personally dislike sample libraries CONCEPT (and a huge fan...
For Android: Piano Companion.
Fact is, I grabbed the real Wavestation AND the real 01/W (FD) at the musical store, at the same time in 1994 I believe. None of them are with me...
I'm interested: where is a 01/W emulation (no samples)? I have wonderful memories about it.
Yeah, usually that genre stays within the 5 adjacent keys, so you still have 20 redundant keys!:rofl:
Right but that is mostly for digital transfer of 7" records that are not well centered, eccentric hole, I have a lot of experience in listening to...
Separate names with a comma.