MPC, Serato Sample, Stylus RMX, Looptrotter SA2RATE 2, Audioease Speakerphone, Black Box Analog Design HG-2, Vertigo VSM-3
Nice one @Lemmy Keeps me wake at last nightshift.. Never heard T2 before, had to DL whole discography for listening..:rofl:
^Just build your own :) DIY "IKEA Hack" Plate Reverb Part 2 (Sounds amazing now!) (
Tor hasn't been safe for long time.. every tech gets cracked or fooled as time goes by and processing power keeps getting better, not to forget...
If you're good with 1 mic and 1 instrument, then ESI neva uno is good cheap choice.. usb-c, low latency, small form factor, loopback for internal...
Never needed anything below 7 ms for RT-tracking, which is pretty basic value for standard ASIO driver. When I jumped into digital world with all...
I use Edge for iOS, Android and Windows. Works for my purposes
Don't you got already what's needed? It's pretty overwhelming to look 5 years back.. If you check the release number, you can see they've been...
Only magazines I can buy here is SOS and uncut.. I like to buy them stores.. Use to read FM a lot and it's actually one of the reasons I got more...
Check if your app store has audio evolution, then you just need class compliant audio interface with enough inputs. You can also buy cheap Android...
What kind of stuff youre recording? Like acoustic performances, live band or just e-guitar and mic? If only 2 tracks, esi neva uno is good and...
Nothing wrong with tablets, if youre only recording audio, but you need class compliant audio interface. Ive done on both Android and ios. Audio...
Do you use nvidia studio drivers for the card? The gaming crap is known for issues
Is your Windows one of those lite or stripped down versions?
Especially, if you have wireless, this caused me headaches few years back.. You can even make shortcut on desktop for network adapter to easily...
Looptrotter Sa2rate can also nicely boost harmonics
Separate names with a comma.