wasn't he the drummer in Genesis?
and the moral of the story, "You can't go Home, without A Fujitsu Lifebook" - I think you have a japanese commercial there, especially when they...
I still say when your hard drives are full you are f*ckedd, i think we just disagree on the degree to which you are fuc*d. I knew about the hidden...
this is exactly why you had to be over 21 to buy electricty in Ohio back then.
placebo, all that dc has to be inverted into a.c. to work on standard gear. so your taking all that pure direct current and bending it into a sine...
well its better, not to have either type of drive full, but a hard disk drive will handle it more gracefully. use an external drive for all your...
no one buys an operating system to own an operating system. you buy an operating system to use the hardware to run application programs. like a...
in order to understand the world, you must observe the world. Upgrades and New operating systems do not exist for the benefit of the buyer (aka...
start with the biggest files as they will hold the biggest snippets of data, the really tiny files are usually text files that may only hold a...
The earth is continously bathed in at least 2 types of radiation or particles that we know of in our present time. THe sun sends us light and...
electricity is a field, that exerts a force. it probably exists down to the smallest spec of matter and up to the largest suns and blackholes....
you should try a coal powered vacuum cleaner.. so much soot to keep vacuuming back up, its like a moebius strip trying to clean the living room.
I think sleep is for housekeeping, physical and mental. the brain examines the days memories, sifts for gold and stores it, and throws out the...
I don't beleve in the tooth fairy, or transistors. I think they are just minature "tubes" or "Valves" if we merely had proper tweezers, we could...
thats a feature, not a bug, "you just can't trust people" think how fucked up the world would be, if everyone did all the things they promised..
that is precisely why you should be worried, they have proven themselves to be in continous production and therefore are a continous threat.
it just seems odd that they never change to a "3" or a "5"....
good points and at the least back up your own data, I usually store my data in my own directory/folder structure so I can back it up with backing...
he or you should buy a lottery ticket, you are lucky people. it will run down eventually or take a random hit by a cosmic ray or other particle...
SDD and HDD are 2 very different technologies, that perform the same purpose, Data Storage. They operate on completely different principles, the...
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