Next time hold off on commenting like you always do. Sometimes trying to be helpful without paying attention only wastes everybody's time. I could...
Try blocking in the hosts. If you read the post before just dumping it into google, you would have noticed it's not the PA...
I also only do 48khz but even there I can feel some difference. I keep it in gate mode and it really does work. I do agree that 39 is super...
If they are coded correctly, they should be the same overall. Every now and then you might find a plugin that works better one way or the other....
By the amount of information that was leaked, it looks like the person in question might have had their PC compromised somehow. That's the only...
The way you say it sounds like you're having this issue with vocals that you recorded yourself? If your friend has the same setup, can they send...
I think people in this thread are getting bit depth and sample rate confused. It's completely pointless to render 32bit float VSTs since you have...
I'll always do 48khz/24bit with no dither. I see no reason for anything over that, it's all made up stuff for non-issues. If you can push a higher...
DMCA request, most likely. Mine still works fine.
This probably hijacked your browser cookies. Just change your passwords everywhere you can and make sure you have 2 step authentication on...
In my years of Kontakt experience, once something goes wrong with it, it's never something you can fix. I've had to reinstall Kontakt 7 and now 8...
There's a multitude of them on AliExpress, usually the cheap stuff is all OEM so brand is not really a concern, though I've heard Fosi Audio is...
Why not just get some tube pres instead? Seems like the qualities you want can be found in tubes. A simple unbalanced tube pre is pretty cheap.
Kelvin was my main go-to for saturation, but these days I seem to get most of it from TBTECH Deep Vintage emus, Machine Head/Arturia J-37 and...
Same deal as their free LA2A from a while back. I don't get the point of having to maintain an entire separate plugin (bug fixes, compatibility)...
Try TDR Ultrasonic, even the demo will be enough since it's unlimited (but doesn't save settings). Though, I wouldn't care too much about it....
The VST/ARA is super shitty so you're not missing much. Just export your vocal/instrumental and get it into the standalone and then work from...
Watched this just a couple hours ago. Thankfully, this hazard is only seen on their flagship cards that most people won't get. Incredible how...
OBS is always the way to go. It only takes a few minutes to watch a tutorial and understand the software. I also record with ShareX when I need...
He deleted it to protect your privacy because your name showed up in the video and maybe you haven't realized. If you don't care about it, then...
Separate names with a comma.