I would love to see that is possible to develop a hardware version of the Solid State Logic compressor and/or channelstrip that I have on vst......
Tagscan is VERY fast. Mp3Tag's scripting tool is awesome, take some time to learn how to use it and you can automate several operations. The same...
People won't be people when they hear this sound that's been glowing in the dark at the edge of town. Just sayin'. [MEDIA]
Sorry, but all my spliff stock went up in smoke listening to this. [MEDIA] I'm a simple man, and all I want to do is some headbanging to my...
... and this was recorded 40 years ago. Just inbelievable. [MEDIA]
Yes, at some point the trio were going slightly faster than the loop, but MAAAAN!!!! Bill's phrasing is just divine. [MEDIA]
I LOVE Paz as a musician, but I just miss Kim playing this song. Sh!t where did the last 30 years go....?
'cos is raining right now. [MEDIA]
Today, with Shostakovich's "Leningrad" symphony. Just incredible stuff. [MEDIA]
Incredibly awesome live performance. [MEDIA]
I recently bought an Android app for my phone for 4 bucks and instantly understood how does it feels to be Jeff Freakin Bezos, I'll tell ya.
2012 was a great year for music. [MEDIA]
Albino URS 1973 and N series eq
My life, in one drawing.
The original Baptazia is still one of the best videos ever. [MEDIA]
I was 14 and listening to the radio at night, when they played this piece. Few days later I managed to find a cassette on that record and spend...
Separate names with a comma.