Just a little addition. It's possible to minimize it by significantly lowering the level. Listen to it more quiet to avoid most of reflections....
This one: https://stone-voices.ru/vst/moss_equalizer?lang=en Not free, but cheap one: https://photosounder.com/splineeq/
There are plenty of materials on the net on this topic. I don't know about iLok but you can find enough info about cracking custom protections and...
All you own is viable. All. Without exceptions. Eventide, Kilohearts, Slate, Waves, IK, NI, Melda. Any of these bundles are enough. Just pick one...
And you are asking for more? Look at plugins you own, decide what are good for you and delete everything else. Don't rely on people' opinions,...
I would say that 'digital' = 'clean' and 'perfect'. In the good sense of these words. EDIT: Oops, I forgot about resolution. So it's only partly...
True, but... Music always searched for us. Always. It just searched for us by different ways and different means. We still have to (may, can...
SSDs was created for extensive use. They can fail when stay unused for a long time. HDDs are appropriate for backups. We don't need to restore our...
@fugltheplug You can load FL Studio itself as VST or AU in Ableton on Mac and then use the "native" Gross Beat....
Gross Beat in VST (for Macs) or AU doesn't exist. Only old VST version for Windows and FL internal plugin. @fugltheplug Another option:...
Oops, NO and NO. You analyze an audio loop in the program dedicated for this special task, audition results with a stylistically appropriate drum...
Tracker in Superior drummer 3 (audio to midi esp. for drums) [MEDIA]
If your failing HD isn't completely damaged, any program that is able to make an image fits. I use AOMEI Backupper, but also Macrium Reflect,...
It's you who is misguided and need severe correction. It's you who haven't succeeded and that means that your assumptions were wrong. We didn't...
Fazioli F308, approx. 570 kg. kilograms, not gigagrams, brothers and sisters... extremly compact :bleh: [ATTACH]
No, I don't equal them. "They may be the same" and "They are the same/equal" mean different things.
Yes, it is absolutely possible. VST trackers exist: https://revisit.nash.audio/default.asp But it requires some programming. Big amount or small...
Strictly speaking, a timebomb and a call home may be the same. Call home is an access to a server. This may be done immediately right after the...
Strictly speaking, you don't need MIDI or scores. Just train your ears and imagination. Listen again and again, analyze drums, bass, melodies,...
What is really important? Truth, only truth. Who is right and who is wrong isn't important at all. Try to look right when you aren't if you want....
Separate names with a comma.