The FIFTH Element - Tolkyn Zabirova [MEDIA] What an amazing voice seems almost impossible, what a talent, I must be really getting old to be so...
I have several older Kingston, Silicon Power and Corsair USB drives and they are still ok after many years they just don't die like the ADATA ones...
Yes this is the proper Behringer driver for some of the older interfaces it is the one also needed for the Behringer Guitar link UCG102 & U-PHORIA...
Anything that can dumb a person down removing the need to think and problem solve is not for me, I'm too set in the way I was raised. Books were...
I personally don't use a lot of plugins and they are all mostly older versions, I am a guitarist so I have actual amps and FX pedals,etc. I find...
If your offline studio PC is setup and working just the way you like and you are completely satisfied with it , WHY update, I use some software...
In my opinion, If you are used to Windows just stay with it, if money is the issue try for a refurbished certified unit with a guarantee, that is...
100Gb BDXL M-Discs are practically indestructible and last for 1000 years, put your most valued software on a few of these $11 each, you will need...
No need to panic but the choice is yours, My music PC is windows 7 offline I have all the programs and software I need all installed, no need to...
if it's just for beauty the Serum 24 Karat skin looks really great, but then beauty is different in the eyes of each individual.
Do you really need to ask, of course someone is either scamming or playing a trick on you.
R.I.P - The big "C" takes away another, some of us survive but life is never the same after that. His contributions to Whitesnake were my favorites.
If you are serious about getting into music start by learning an instrument, just get an inexpensive keyboard to see if you really want to invest...
Makes me wonder where pride in craftsmanship has disappeared to.
The Rory Gallagher statue is very disappointing giving him an unrecognizable female looking rounded face and then the boobs, very poor crafting by...
Just joined AS today and he wants to sell all his plugins because he's leaving the music industry for good? Kind of unusual to say the least,...
I tried going with Linux Ubuntu, Mint, Zorin they can handle some applications but still not good enough for all my needs, I will remain with...
Just stick with Windows and avoid problems
I am a die hard user of Jasc Paintshop Pro 7 , I bought it when it came out over 20 years ago, installed it is under 50 MB, I have used it from...
Wishing the Witches at R2R a very Happy New Year and thanks for all your hard work at the cauldrons. Lets make 2025 a very productive year for music.
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