Indeed, i had intended to post in the spit roasting thread but was distracted... [ATTACH]
I meant if you had a build in sound device on your motherboard, ensure that it was disabled so as not to possibly conflict with the Scarlett by...
On one of my PC's i have a 1st generation 214 and i could only get it working via a USB2 connection, not USB3... Also: 1. Does your PC have an...
"wrong genres"?!!! And only you of course can define the 'right' ones... Damn, that's bigotted BS and you didn't even drop a courtesy "imho"...
No tamborines/sleigh-bells until at least the first chorus, 'cos imho right now they're a bit too much, too soon. They're also slightly jostling...
EDIT: Yeah, best not to feed the greedy troll
Yeah, give your ambiguity a big hug from me as well. :) Dude, you'll perhaps find what you seek in coding, engineering etc - even there, there...
P.S. All things considered, you'd probably be better of doing something else i.e. writing a new song/track... :bow:
There are two problems here. 1. @emanresu clings to the erroneous belief that simply by owning/using expensive software & plugins (nuendo/DTS...
Well, i can take issue with much that you say, but i can't fault you for inconsistancy... you, Sir, truly are an incorrigible pedant! :mates:
The gift of nearly all true creatives is to the transend the familiar with fresh innovation to forge new form. It seems to me that your...
Hmm, very strange. At this point, i guess your best option would be to post on steinberg's cubase forum - perhaps someone there knows what might...
...yeah, well they were bigger than cheeses: [MEDIA]
Was that midi track imported originally or did you create it yourself?
And the locked midi is not routed to a frozen VST channel? EDIT: Sorry, i just re-read your post... yeah, that is indeed most curious. Hassle...
As a general example (not a specific recommendation), if you used something like this cheap behringer mixer, you could route the the mixer's...
Is the cubase project file write-protected?
I'd have thought you'd be better off overall with having your mic going into a small mixer (with dual aux/sends) that could be independantly...
Early access to George Martin samplepacks & Abbey Road plugins... :suicide:
The ability to distinguish a kerfuffle from a felafel is a priceless social skill and would save me many hours of clean-up duties at restaurants &...
Separate names with a comma.