DIY Sampling is fun! You have much more control over how you strike, strum, pick, brush, tap various objects until you get the sounds that you're...
Even if you only run Logic 10.7.7 and a few dated but great plugins, this machine could still be of good use. I haven't tried Ableton 12 on my...
I would dip the H2n with its microphone grille flat side down into a flat bowl with very little milk, just enough to cover the chocolate that got...
Agreed. With some experience, our existing reverbs and IRs can be tweaked and mixed to fit our material very well. Recordings of percussive sounds...
You never know. Someone will want exactly this: A huge collection of IRs recorded from different listening positions in that one hall.
Will your RAID stay connected to power while connecting to a different computer? Then its firmware would ideally not shut down the drives after...
It's not that K6 and K7 couldn't coexist. It's rather that once you've (accidentally) re-saved a K6 nki with K7, K6 won't open it anymore.
Does Synplant really do reverse FM beyond 2 operators? The best repo I've found is this one: It uses...
No it won't convert AKAI images to WAV, only cue+bin to ISO. You still have to use an AKAI image converter like Kontakt/Windows, Extreme Sample...
If anyone's interested, there is a commandline utility called binchunker for Unix by Heikki Hannikainen. It can convert bin+cue to iso and works...
Practice, practice, practice. The more synth sounds you create and compare, the better you'll become at it.
In the days of very good analog style software emulations, I wonder how much of a difference these modules will make to warrant the hassle of...
We're all human. 22 years of successful building won't be affected by that one accident. And without running into issues, how would we learn what...
Have you considered getting larger nearfields with better bass response instead? If I had the choice between these Samsons + sub or, say, two Adam...
Would you have an example command line using sox please? I've read the manual pages and whatever I thought should work didn't split the audio into...
Only the best Espresso Italiano can give you the power to understand that.
Quality mechanics are essential. In that price range, I was always happy with Yamaha guitars. Before deciding which type of guitar to buy, make...
Doesn't Bluecat Patchwork support presets with any combination of plugins loaded? If all fails (i.e. no shortcut for preset switching), you could...
I'd just pick one hardware synth that does all the sounds you need. That might need some prep work (finding and tweaking the right sounds) but...
Great table, thanks. I'm surprised how little difference USB vs PCIx makes.
Separate names with a comma.