I'd rather listen to them than smell them! I use to think that was served up with cheese!
I picked this one being a Doctor Who fan. In one of the 2008/9/10 (not sure) episodes, There was a phrase used 'Silence will fall when the...
I read through all the above and thought the same.. It's actually one of the many reasons I still use win7 with all processes regarding MS stuff...
I get that you feel, (rightly or wrongly) angry that you have made a mistake with your purchase, but if I may I would like to try and provide you...
Very impressive for only a 4th try. I only beat you by 4 seconds this morning but I use to be able to beat the 22 seconds threshold regularly....
Whilst it's pleasing it is all working again now, give it a couple of weeks before getting too excited. It is possible to have an intermittent...
I had this reaction time puzzle they use on air force pilots back in Win95. I just found it again for you online here:-...
To locate the issue with RAM or Slot, use the good ram in the suspect slot. If that works, then it's the other ram module. To be certain, then...
I have to ask.. Hypersonic? did ya manage to get it running?
It's a pity Omnisphere doesn't have many other presets to choose from
That holiday did me the world of good..:P
You know how this originated, though? 2 musicians drinking in a pub. One says to the other after a few drinks,"WOODEN it be nice if they brought...
I do.. I still have it with the Resurgence Skin
:)) It's still 5am here we dont go till tonight. If it were me? I would format the the whole thing, install the Operating System THEN the...
I just don't understand why it wont work if it ISN'T dialling home, although I did wonder about up to date Graphics Drivers?. We went through it...
Oh... I know what the problem is now though.. as discussed in pm..
Cheers buddy... Bloody AI garbage strikes again I guess. lol! The sentiment was there anyway. Hope you're havin' a great New Year too.
Ableton Recommend it for use with Live 12. They should know what works best with their own software no?
Yep.. I have the installation/ Software, and I've created clear and detailed instructions on how to install it.. Win7/ Win10 etc.. Never tried...
I've been doing some research for you and found rather than you keep upgrading processors to something you CLEARLY are not happy with, why not go...
Separate names with a comma.